Thursday, June 28, 2007

Big vampires don't cry. Big vampires don't cry. Big vampires don't.... WAHHHHHHH HAHHHHHH.

I have not ben nominated for anything. :' ( Not even freakiest blog. Oh well. Even if I was nominated, I wouldn't win anything. But a nomination would be nice. I'm not going to do it myself! That's just selfish. Maybe I'll go chase Arrow with a sword again. That'll make me feel better. Oh, Arrrrroooooooowwwwwwwwwwww! I have a suppriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisssssssssseeeeeeeeeee for Yoooooooooooooooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! Evil laugh. Evil smile. I'm trying to convience Thorn to make her own blog. Oh! Here's an idea!

If you guys post one hundred comments on this post, she can't say no! Not if people want to hear from her that bad! Don't you guys think so? OK. It's official.

Ahem. If you want Thorn to make a blog, post one hundred (100) comments on this post. The more the better. If so many people want to hear from her that bad, she'll have to make a blog.

Also, make cookies and cake! It's national be nice to a squirrel day. I just had to say that. He he. Who said a vampire can't be a complete freak?!


P.S. They prefer nuts.

P.P.S. I was talking about the squirrels.

P.P.P.S. Sorry I am so bizzare. BYE! BLT! SALAMI!


Anonymous said...

haha first post.


Anonymous said...


You sure you can pull that off?

Well good luck to you. Lol


Anonymous said...

Hey btw, go t my blog profile, and go to My Life. I got a soone on there that is for ya. Well, me to, cause I love this song. Lol

Check it out


Anonymous said...

i found cheese randomly, actually. i was bored, typed in Cheese and Fosters Home, saw him just about to lick the screen, clicked on the full picture, and he started doing it over and over again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i was like, ohmyg's i have to have this!!!!!!!!!!! and i did! ha!


Anonymous said...

i liked the show too. just for the randomness of it all!

Venom said...

To bb-grl, I think we can do it. My posts count too. I'm sure it will work. we just have to keep trying. to lith, I will try to get it cuz I LUV IT!!!!!!

Nudge.::.Twin said...

I want Thorn to post!!! BTW, I haven't been nominated either and I don't know how to nominate you either. Otherwise i would.

Venom said...

I think Thorn would like to have a blog, she's just a little shy. She thinks that you guys won't accept her for what she is and stuff. Ya know, the vampire thing. But if you guys post 100 comments, then she'll know you guys will accept her. It won't take long. It's not like it's the 5,000,000 cliks on! Only 100. I think we can do it.

one of the flock said...

Comment #9! hehehehe!

one of the flock said...

Comment #10! Hehehe I will keep doing this untill Thorn makes a blog!

one of the flock said...

Comment #11! Go Thorn! we are more than 10% of the way there!

one of the flock said...

Comment # 12! oh yeah!

Venom said...

Random stuff rocks. Or maybe I'm just insane. Yup. I'm insane. But is there anything wrong with that? Insanity is what seperates me from all the other vampires. That, and I'm breaking the most sacred law. It's great to have a little excitement in my looooooooooooong life. But if The Council did find this, I'd be on the run forever and that means I'd post less. Which would suck.


Jasey Black said...

Yo!!! I'm nudge.::.twin with a different account. Now I have 2!!!

one of the flock said...

I'm Back! mwahahaha! Comment #15!
Venom, my feelings won't be hurt if you tell thorn there is an insane girl on the loose who really wants her to make a blog!

WingedChild said...

Im srry i dont kno if ur still doing the 100 comment thingy cuz i just started reading ur blog. but if u r...Comment # 16!!!!

OOO and i really like ur blog :)


Sylvia said...

try, try try!!!!
that's my motto!!!

kk and 100 POSTS!!! that's a little insane.

btw, check out my blog