Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The only thing helping me keep my sanity...

I got MaximumRide yesterday. If I were not thirsty, I would have used most of the night reading it. But if I did not hunt last night, I would have to today, then I could not post on the blog. I am only around the 300th page. I am really behind. Now for the tourture of waiting for Eclipse after I finish MaximumRide. This book is so good and exciting I almost felt my heart beating. James Patterson is indeed a very good author. If he can make me feel almost alive from excitement in a book, well, use your imagination. To me, books like the MaximumRide series and the Twilight series, is herion in book form. Long live James Patterson and Stephanie Meyers! (Oh, if only they were vampires like me! They could live FOREVER!!!!) Arrow says Hi, and so does Thorn. Dad, Midnight, is reading. Now I am off to wish I was with Max to kick some flyboy butt! I have no life to worry of losing, so it would be a great help to the flock.


hello anyone there? said...

i love twilight and i would love to be your friend.

ur rite it is torchure waiting for eclipe.

i finished maximum ride.

Nudge.::.Twin said...

I just finished Maximum Ride! I'm so happy. Yet, sad 'cuz it's over and now I have to go through the torture of waiting for Eclipse. I know it'll be the best book ever! I want to know what the Volturi are going to do. I hope Bella and Edward get married in the 4th book. It would just be weird to read the story from her point of view as a changed vampire. Although it would be pretty cool.

Check out my blog!

Nudge.::.Twin said...

Another thing I forgot to mention. I'm writing a vampire story. I could use some help though. It's posted on My Almost Written Stories blog. You'll see what I mean when you look at my profile. Anyway, I don't even have the 1st chapter written. So any help you could give would be much appreciated.

Nudge.::.Twin said...

Well about the Hunters, I made them up. But just so that if the Council ever find your blog and my blog let me say right now that the Hunters are not real!

one of the flock said...

Twilight sounds pretty good. I will check if the library has it!

Venom said...

(To Nudge twin)I am very glad that they are fictional! That was close. (To One of the flock) You should read it! It is very accurate about vampires, so if you have any questions, some of them may be answered there! I can't believe how many friends I have made already! I should have done this sooner! This is one of those rare happy moments. :)