Monday, May 14, 2007

My story.

Well, I guess I should tell you how it all happened. It is only fair, after all.

I was and orphan as long as I could remember. I was told my parents died, but all the older children I was staying with said they remembered when I came here and that they gave me up. One night, when I was fourteen, they were teaseing me like that again, telling me that my parents gave me up. I punched the "leader" of the teasers and ran away. I thought that I could take care of myself without the orphanage. I burst out the back door and ran as far as I could, for fear the people in charge would come after me and take me back. I soon came around a corner, and stopped immediately. A dark figure was standing right infront of me. It was a man. He had the strangest eyes; they were almost completely white! I took a step backwards and a light wind blew against my back. He took in a deep breath through his nose, and I faintly heard him mumble, "Perfect." He was happy!

I turned around and tried to run away, but he had appeared right in front of me! I looked again at his eyes. They had turned maroon. He grinned darkly to reveal a row of snow white teeth-and fangs. I realized I had stopped breathing. My eyes were probably about the size of my head.

"I am actually sorry I have to do this, but I won't kill you. You may join my family. The mirage family." he said.

"I do not understand." I whispered. What had he ment by joining his family?

He grabbed my wrists and bit my neck. A horrible pain shot through where he bit me to my entire body. I could not move, breathe, or even open my eyes. After the first day, the pain went away and my entire body was asleep. That is when I met Thorn. She explained everything.

When she gave me a mirror, I found that my once pixy short red hair had grown to be shoulder length and turned black. My already fair skin had been drained of any color that it had. My eyes were a gray color. I cried for hours. Thorn finally told me everything I had to know.

Before I became what I am now, I had thought of vampires as horrible, evil creatures who had only one wish: to kill. But that day I found vampires were really caring, loving creatures.

When I was still a young vampire, I hated Arrow (The one who had bitten me) with my very essence. But he finally explained his actions to me. He told me that he had been watching the orphanage. He wanted me to join his family, but the only way to do so was to bite me. He told me before I even knew him he loved me and wished I could be in his family. The night when I ran away, he was about to go back to where we live, which I will tell you about later. He was thirsty, and in the human world with so many delicious smelling creatures temptation is hard to resist. When I ran into him, everything was perfect.

I have forgiven Arrow, but wish he had given me a choice rather than what he did. I will tell a little more of my story later. Of that I promice. If you have any questions about me, my family, or vampires like me, please do not hesitate. I may be a while to answer, though. Please be patient with me.



Daski said...

Sounds sorta how my "change" happened..

My friend, sewreel, who's been a demon all her life had seen how the other humans had treated me and felt anger toward them so she turned me into a demon so i could avenge my life...

Nadia said...

Wow, i'm so sorry...
I read your profile. You've read the Twilight books? I've heard of them. My friend Ashlee has read them. maybe i'll read them now.